Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Mighty Fine Merry Xmas (or belated Hannukah ... or Kwanzaa)
I got the 2 + 3 volume from the Old Town School's four-part collection of folk music standards from Santa (masquerading as my wife, Nancy). It's phenomenal. A real treat. Get them all for a friend or loved one. Here are the best deals:

- Buy all four volumes on good old-fashioned compact discs (Disc 1, Discs 2+3 set and Disc 4) directly from Chicago's own Bloodshot Records for $30. (Trust me, you'll want the liner notes, which you won't get if you download from Amazon or iTunes; and if you buy the CDs from Amazon, you'll pay way more than $30 for all four.).
- Download the Disc 4 bonus tracks from Amazon.com for only .99¢ each - that's cuts 21 through 36. (The various advertisements and even the Bloodshot web site claim these bonus tracks are only on iTunes. But I found 'em on Amazon.com, where you can download the individual tracks in MP3 format versus iTunes' proprietary AAC format.)

God bless the Old Town School. So, buy their new CDs to express your support.