Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good news for music lovers who kept their vinyl LP collection - Yahoo! News
Good news for music lovers who kept their vinyl LP collection - Yahoo! News: "A lot of music lovers have stashes of vinyl LPs that may be forgotten in the iPod era. Now Ion Audio has a simple way to convert those albums to digital files that can be listened to in iPods and other MP3 players. Its USB Turntable/CD player connects to your PC and records the albums as they play.

The turntable (model iTTCD10, due in June for $399) works like a standard turntable. And you can listen as the album is transferred to the PC. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While this is perhaps a good choice in turntables, go to their website and the price of entry is about $100 less, fewer features, but if all you need is a basic turntable, you can save a few bucks and still get a USB turntable.