Sunday, December 11th
[ The following is reprinted with edits from a notice submitted by Jim Polaski, MHG ]Featured this time will be one of the all time great Chicago singers and perennial favorite
JIM CRAIG. As an artist, Jim has carried on, almost single-handedly, the belle epoque of the Chicago scene dating back to his first performances at the Wise Fools on Lincoln Avenue decades ago. His choice of material, arrangements, and masterful guitar accompaniment perfectly compliment his rich vocals.
Also appearing will be the great poet-songwriter
JAMES McCANDLESS. Some years ago, James was force to limit his performing due to an illness which he has since defeated. This will be his first full concert in a long time. His work is incomparable.
Accompanying James will be
JULIE MACARUS on the violin. Julie's taste
for melodic fills and solos that expand the song are as masterful in texture as they are rich in tone.
You'll find this to be an exceptional evening of warmth on a winter's night. I hope you can make it. The cammeraderie, as always, will be priceless.
Bill's Blues Club1029 Davis StreetEvanston847 424 98007 PM$10 cover, no minimum