Sunday, April 23, 2006

Other Acoustic and/or Bluegrass Open Mic Nights

Two Way Street Coffee House
1047 Curtiss, Downers Grove
Fourth Saturday of Every Month at 2:00 p.m.
A lot of OPFM musicians are quite familiar with this venue and its owners. There are many, many great musical experiences presented practically every night. Check their Web site for special events, festivals and additional jam nights.

Uncommon Ground Cafe
3800 N. Clark St., Chicago
Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Hosted by Gabriel Otto & Paul Stauffer
This one is a very intimate room that features "folk" and "singer-songwriter" genres versus "bluegrass." But I played it once (as accompaniest to my friend Ben Arnold) and the acoustics are quite nice. Smoke free too! Oh, and they can record your performance through the PA. It's like recording live in the studio. Nice!

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